Thursday, March 19, 2015

Theatrical Reviews: Insurgent

My adamant refusal to read any more young adult novels may have seriously hindered my powers as a reviewer. 

Most of the times, when you go see a movie, you expect it to meet with you on your own terms man-to-film.  If the film is enjoyable, then it will be enjoyable independently; if the film is obnoxious, then you have no-one to blame but the film itself.  Those are the rules

From what I can tell these new Divergent movies do not play by these standard movie rules; apparently in order to fully enjoy them I must first read the book.  Whenever I’m confused by the nonsensical story?  It turns out it was explained in the book.  Whenever I can’t keep track of or care about the numerous sub-characters?  I’m told they were already really great in the book.  It’s kind of irritating.

To be fair that criticism sticks better to last years original Divergent then it does to its first sequel, Insurgent.  Does this new movie still try and keep track of a bunch of meaningless sub characters?  Yes.  Do large portions of the movie’s central premise make absolutely no sense?  Yes; but those problems are held at bay, though never remedied. By Insurgent’s organized, well paced, plot and simple story.

Just giving a movie a simple three-part structure and a well established central conflict can do wonders to any movie series, and while those things don’t save Insurgent from the wasteland of boring that is its central characters and premise, it does a great job of making watchable what could have been incredibly frustrating.

“Watchable,” however, is not the same as passable.  Insurgent gives us very few reasons to give a flying flip about its one-note protagonists, much less the seemingly dozens of side-characters.  It also has the potential to stretch an audience’s suspension of disbelief.  Thank goodness this movies story is quick-paced and mcguffin-filled otherwise it might drown in its own ridiculousness.

There is a portion of this film where the strong majority of the films protagonists are strapped to mind control devices; yet they are only used once.  The villains use these devices to make one nameless character kill herself, why didn’t they just do that to everyone?  Problem solved.  There are tons of little annoying plot things like that through out the flick.

In the end I can only muster up so much hate for Insurgent; most of the stuff I don’t like about it is the same stuff that I didn’t like about the first, and for the most part Insurgent is a fair sized upgrade above that.  It’s not good, but if you liked Divergent then you’ll probably like this one even more.  And if you’re a fan of the book, this is obviously a must see.  Just don’t go expecting this to be on par with Harry Potter or The Hunger Games.  As far as movie series go The Divergent Series is a C list-er at best.

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