Friday, November 21, 2014

Best of the Rest: The Top 4 "YA" Film Adaptations

The "YA" label didn't really exist just a few years ago, but now it seems like there's a movie that fits into the genre almost every month.  There have been plenty of films that have been based on older children novels in the past, but it's only in the last few years, with the popularity of Harry Potter and Twilight, that it's become a genre in it's own right.

Unfortunately for many of the authors that said films are based on, as well as the studios who are trying to make a profit, these movies are usually either not very good, not very profitable or both.  For every Harry Potter there's usually a Mortal Instruments or a Vampire Academy.

People like complaining about all of the hype and bad green lights that have resulted from the genre, but that's not what I want to focus on.  After all there have been some really good movies to be under the "YA" umbrella, and In honor of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 (which will probably make like 150 million dollars in the next couple of days alone) being released, I say we count down the top 4 best "YA" adaptations!  Let's get started.

Final Note Before We Begin:  This list only takes into consideration movies that are the products of the modern "YA" trends.  No matter how good The Princess Bride or Lord of the Flies are, they don't really have anything in common with Twilight, other than the fact that they were based on books.

#4.  The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

What Is It About?

The Chronicles of Narnia is a fantasy film based on the children's book of the same name, and follows the adventures of four young school children who escape the horrors of world war 2 by leaving our world and entering the world of Narnia.  Narnia, in case you were wondering, is indeed inside a wardrobe and heavily features both a lion and a witch.  In the end the children are forced to do battle on the Lion and Witch's behalf for dominance over the wardrobe-world, and save the place from being consumed by eternal winter.

Why is it Better than Most "YA" Movies?

The Chronicles of Narnia has surprising doses of heart and darkness in it that keep the stakes high and keep at bay the deep silliness in the plot.  Overall the world and characters are endearing enough to keep one smiling throughout the film, and the giant action sequence in the third act is better than anything we've seen in the more modern Hobbit films.  Definitely check this one out, especially if you like the books.

#3.  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 2

 What is it about

The eight movie series culminates in what is, for the most part, a giant quick paced action movie.  Harry Potter and friends are in the final stages of a race to defeat the dark lord Voldemort before he can destroy the forces of good completely.

Why is it Better than Most "YA" Movies?

I'm not a huge fan of the Harry Potter films as a whole (That's right I said it,) but this final chapter was a must-see event.  Hosting a big budget, and a plot that's basically just the third act that was missing from it's predecessor, Harry Potter 8 is one heck of a thrill ride.  Harry Potter fans wanted a good send of to their favorite franchise Warner Brothers delivered in a big way.  I'd say to check this out if you like the books, but I sincerely doubt any of you haven't seen this movie.

#2.  Warm Bodies

 What is it About?

A zombie during the zombie apocalypse falls in love with a female survivor named Juliet (because subtlety isn't meant for YA adaptations.)  They are able to transcend their differences and even use the power of love to cure the worlds zombie problem.

Why is it Better than Most "YA" Movies?

My slightly sarcastic synopsis aside, Warm Bodies is actually a really fun movie.  It does right all of the things that a supernatural romance like Twilight gets incredibly wrong.  In Warm Bodies the romance is played for laughs, as are most of the major plot points;  but at the same time Juliet and her zombie are both incredibly likable characters who we can root for and laugh with along the way.  The premise is crazy, but the filmmakers somehow pull a touchdown out of nowhere with this fantastic script, direction and what should have been a star-making turn performance Nicholas Hoult.

#1.  The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

What is it about?

The second entry into the humongusly lucrative  Hunger Games series is by far the best.  The movie brings the characters back into the arena, but this time there is something different.  This time our heroes bring with them the emotional baggage of the first films events as well as a the distinct feeling that something is a little bit off about he other "tributes" in the competition.  Using the help of her friends, Katniss, the films protagonist, will have to find a way to escape the Hunger Games a second time.

Why is it Better than Most "YA" Movies?

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire was an awful book, but the filmmakers involved were somehow able to take the exact same elements and transform them into one of the better movies to come out that year.  It works as an action movie, and a suspense thriller, but mostly it works as a set of character pieces.  It explores a kind of PTSD in the minds of our heroes, and the resulting inner and outer conflicts of the characters are fascinating.  This is a movie not just for Hunger Games, but for film fans as well.

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