Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Theatrical Reviews: Fifty Shades of Grey

The whole point of Fifty Shades of Grey is sex.  That tells me that it’s basically just glorified pornography; but that is hardly the case.  Never before have I thought it possible for a movie to both contain way too much sex, and simultaneously be totally sexless.  Despite it’s erotic subject matter, Fifty Shades of Grey has no pulse.

The movies physical failings are only a small part of what makes it suck.  If I had thought the movie would just be a series of sedate sex sequences I wouldn’t have bothered; but based on the nation-wide success of the book from which it is based, I made the assumption that there was some kind of intriguing story behind all the hullabaloo.  People like me, who are curious for some unique controversial storytelling, will be sorely disappointed.

Fifty Shades of Grey is boring.  I have no idea how they made a movie about taboo sex boring, but they found a way.  The two leads are as awkwardly un-intriguing as humanly possible, and their plot and conflict barely exist.  This movie could be summed up without losing any nuance in five minutes; yet it’s runtime goes well over two hours.  It has zero stakes, zero conflict; and the result is that it elicits zero interest from its audience.  It isn’t even offensive or shocking; I at least expected this movie to be offensively bad, but it’s just endlessly dull.

And did I mention the script?  Because the script is awful; cartoonishly awful.  Imagine a giant corn baking corn inside of an oven made of corn, and you may get an inkling of how corny the Fifty Shades of Grey dialogue is.  Imagine a flat-line and an obnoxious beeping noise, and you’ll get an idea of how ineffective and annoying the Fifty Shades of Grey plotline is.  I hear tell that they cut out large chunks of the book for the film adaptation, and thank goodness that they did; I don’t think I could have withstood anymore of this terrible movie script.

When a movie has a bad script and dreary direction only one thing can save it:  The acting.  Yet Fifty Shades of Grey has some Razzy worth performances.  They could have replaced Jamie Dorman, the guy who plays the male lead, with a board of wood and some great abs and I wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference.  The other actors hardly knock it out of the park either.  Dakota Johnson admittedly had her good moments; but she also had some really crummy moments, especially when she was trying to pretend like she had any chemistry at all with dumb and dull Dornan.

The only way I can think of even attempting to enjoy “50 Shades” is ironically.  Bring some friends, make some jokes and you might have a jolly old time.  That, however, was not how this movie was intended to be viewed; it was meant to be taken seriously.  So it fails.  I cannot think of a less romantic, less appealing romance for anyone to watch.  It’s basically just a Twilight remake but with BDSM; and that is just as painful as it sounds.

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