Friday, February 20, 2015

Theatrical Reviews: Hot Tub Time Machine 2

You know what movie I didn’t see?  The first Hot Tub Time Machine.  That’s right I saw the sequel, and not the better-liked original.  That means that I had almost no expectations going into this flick; and the result?  I kind of enjoyed myself.
This movie makes very little sense.  The plot is nonsensical and the character motivations are highly questionable.  It’s a mess, but the jokes and bizarre plot threads are just eclectic and disgusting enough to make the movie entertaining.

Hot Tub Time Machine 2 is not trying very hard to be . . . an actual movie.  Its storyline has been prioritized behind the jokes, the set-ups and pretty much everything else.  If you want a film with a cohesive plot, and a lovable cast of characters then look elsewhere; Hot tub time Machine 2 is pretty much just in it for the gags.

The cast will not become popular leading men in Hollywood anytime soon; they do not seem to have a talent for crafting likable characters.  Craig Robinson’s character is the only one in the cast who could pass for a passable member of humanity.  I get the feeling that the presence of John Cusack, the star of the original, would seriously help this Cusack-less sequel along.

What the remaining cast do excel at, however, is being funny.  In the hands of another cast all this pointless gross-out weirdness could be obnoxious; but these guys put their all into it, and for the most part it works.  This cast hams it up; having so much fun that it’s kind of hard not to have fun with them.  Rob Corddry in particular goes manically haywire with his character; and it’s a blast to watch.

You can go ahead and add this one to the long list of Atchley-O-Saurus guilty pleasures.  I cannot give this movie the pass based on its over-all quality.  But, on the other hand, the movie has gross out humor and time travel!  How can you go wrong?

“HTTM2”, as I’ve already mentioned, just doesn’t work on a story level; and it’s a shame.  It has some good comedic skin, but they didn’t bother to put any bones underneath.  It’s not the best gross-out comedy I’ve ever seen by a long shot, but it’s the only one in the marketplace right now. So if you’re in the mood for borderline offensive debauchery; as of this writing, Hot Tub Time Machine 2 is probably your best shot.

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